Friday, September 14, 2012

inspiration - artist - Emil Alzamora

Emil Alzamora
He was born in Lima, Peru and is a inspiring sculptor.
Artist statement: The human form is constant within my work. I am interested in exploring what it means to inhabit one, often exaggerating or distorting different aspects of the form to reveal an emotional or physical situation, or to tell a story about a predicament or an occurrence. Limitations and potential are as human as the flesh, yet hardly as tangible. In my works i strive to make visible this interaction. 

As for me, i feel this connection with this artist because i am also interesting in the human form and instead of distorting it, i look more it to different ways to illustrate it in different materials and methods. I find his depiction of these human forms very interesting and is very inspired to go further with what i am interested in and just go ahead and create. 
This is a very distorted figure where the position of the arms and legs are just so confusing. However, i can feel this tension from the work and there is this feeling of distress and frustration in the work. I really like works that can evoke a clear emotion to the viewer as i feel that that make the viewer feel more connected to the work.

This work is very similar to my course work where i also took the human body and morphed it with parts of the animal in which case he took the head of a cow. The positioning of the body is also very new and how the lower body twist away from the upper body is done so naturally and smoothly, it almost look like a artistic pose! haha

This one can be said to be creepy but this creates a very tensed mood in the exhibition room. It feel still and silent where it looks like the soul is leaving the body. 

This one gives a sense of balance and peace. Because to me, it look very peaceful, just like a fetus still in its mother's womb, protected and comfortable. The elongated arms makes the work look light and free, balancing on it. 

This one gives a sense of struggle. Its like a struggle between right and wrong, being stretched by the pull of both sides. The way the figure leans towards the ground shows that its pained by choices given, not knowing what to do. 

Finally this one tells me that it shows depression. The drooping head and shoulders looks like the person has given up and once again, the artist has elongated the arms, where it dangles from the shoulder, powerless and tired.
Go check him out!!

I find how this artist distorts the figures very natural where the positions of the figures doesnt look rigid or unnatural. And the mood in which each figure portrays is very clear and really creates this mood around it. 
Maybe i should also try to elongate or just distort the features of the human body, creating a mood around it. That would be great! <3

This was something done by me just for fun. Its three heads stretching their necks and looking up towards the light. Perhaps this shows some similarities with what the artist have done~ 

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