Thursday, September 13, 2012

Works at home # ( i've lost count) - art, cake and book?

I think it  is simply decorating normal everyday objects wit h cute stufff. And the 'cute stuff' refers to miniature pastries, charms of cartoon characters, hearts and ribbons maybe pink and fluffy things too.
Here are some pictures of what some others have done:
Click the image to open in full size.

Click the image to open in full size.

Click the image to open in full size.

so it can be on phones, boxes and even note books. Here is one done by one of my favourite youtuber:

So i simply go through the same steps where i used air dry clay ( as it is light weight so that it will not weigh the objects i am decoden-ing on.
i create these cakes and pastries using moulds or just creating them myself, then while it dry, i can add the fake whipped cream which is usually silicone (for gap fill! haha) and also dust them with some powder from soft pastel ( the on in the video is made specially for this.... the pastel is just an alternative) then using paint to represent chocolate, the 'pastries will then be done!!!
i use the brown puffy paint because it dries puffy and not flat, so that it creates this thick chocolate look~ <3

Here are some that i made :

As you can see, i use pink silicone ( i simply added colour to it) as whipped cream and the paint really looks like chocolate. I added some rhinestones just so that it looks nicer, with more color. ( These are the not-so-nice ones because the nicer ones are all used for other projects)

As for the silicone whipped cream, i just attached a piping tip onto the silicone tube so it really functions like pipped whipped cream. 

But before i was able to get the silicone, i attempted making my own whipped cream. I mixed part air dry clay with white glue. It worked well at first however, due to the fact that i added too much glue and also it takes a longer time to dry, it formed into a mess of gooey stuff. but it was too late for me to do any changes as i have already attached the cakes and pastries to it. I worked around it and i think it came out nicer than i expected!!
I used the paint to add swirls to it together with some rhinestones

So its basically just a plain notebook covered with goodnessssss~~~

close up on the waffle and cupcakeeeeee~! 
you can see a bit of shading from the pastel powder and the shine is done by the varnish~ <3

I am really proud of this considering that this is the first time i tried it without the usual materials people usually use. It was a enjoyable process and i had fun! <3
I also did more ( they were really sucessful) of this for teachers day as presents.We made notebooks and pens ( with my friends) for the teachers.... unfortunately... I did not take a photo of it...... NOOOOOOOOOOOO

Oh and i've also done some using baking clay! <3 
-insert picture-
they are more durable but they are heavy... D:


 go eat a cookie!!! bye~ <3

1 comment:

  1. HI! Looking at those sweets made me hungry!

    I like how you spam pictures in your blog :D and the great variety of media you work with. This is one of the most special ones so here I am to comment.

    It's uncanny how you can always find the cutest things to make and the oddest materials to make things but somehow, they just work out. This is a classic example of what I'm saying! Also, it's nice that you have lots of work in progress photos to show the process of your work and the materials you have used. It's a nice personal touch.

    Furthermore, I like that bit of background information you gave before plunging into your work. It gave me a better idea of what to expect and it works really well. Loved the videos!

    However, I wished that you had included 360 views of all the individual pieces. They are so cute, I wanted to see them in all angles. Slightly disappointed because of that but it doesn't detract from the cuteness :D
